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Monday, June 23, 2008

The Diary of the Dead

Diary of the Dead

Well I tried a zillion times to make my web cam work but it was being dumb so we are getting just an old fashioned blog. Diary of the Dead is mind blowing... but this is pretty much a given since its a George A. Romero film and its a zombie movie. All the best movies have zombies in it in case you didn't know. The Diary of the dead is a movie revolving around a film student, his friend, girl friend and professor. It delves into what would you do if you were put in a desperate situation... Would you kill if you had to... Could you steal if you had to... Plus it looks into race issues. If you dont mind gore and dont like zombie movies it is a must watch just for that. The music and cinematography in this movie are great as well. It has an amazing makeup ... the organs look like real organs when they spill out of a body. Plus the majority of the movie has that tenuos claustrophobic feel to it over all its a feel good movie for zombie lovers.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Locker

I woke up early this morning almost too early. I thought to my self I always wanted to do a movie blog so here I am with my first peice of Asian horror.... Shibuya Kaidan.

It is a film based on a Japanese urban legend about a baby that was stuffed into a coin locker in Shibuya left to die and comes back as a ghost that wants revenge. Now this seems to me as awesome premise for a movie but it fails miserably in its execution. It is about four college student that gain the ire of the ghost by using the locker that it was stuffed into I just don't see connection that the ghost wants to kill these kids by using a locker. It seems to me if I was the ghost I would go after my uncaring parents or the people that could hear my crying. I don't know about you but if I am going to go for revenge I would go for the people that screwed my infantile life up. It some how follow these college students around killing them off one at a time much like what happens in the grudge but you don't even get to see the ghost through the majority of the movie. However this movie does have some good points and some unintentionally funny spots too I really cant talk about these with out having to give away a couple of important plot developments. Over all I would say this movie is mediocre at best. I would give it a 6 out of a possible 10.