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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The X Files

I have been looking foreward to seeing the new X-Files movie so today I woke up early and watched the movie that came out in 1998. It is a continuation of the 5th season finale and ties up some loose ends in the events that happen in it and makes some new unaswered questions for the next season of the show. However as a stand alone film it is excellent but leaves out lots of things that you dont see if you arent a fan of the show. It is about a space alien conspiracy to colonize earth through a virus delivered by a bee sting. The movie is pretty much a 2 hour long version of an episode with out commercial breaks and delivers action just as well as the show does even better because of the higher special effects budget. If you didnt like the X-files tv show you probably not really be into the movie but its pretty good stand alone if you like action films.