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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter

This review is a little different from the others that I have done. This was done by request. I made a list of movies I have and submitted it to one of my best friends and let them decide which one i watched. Initially I got this movie simply due to the name.... JESUS CHRIST VAMPIRE HUNTER. With a name like that how could this be a bad movie. When I started the movie I was totally expecting a something completely different I thought it was going to be a complete let down due to the very student film look and feel to it but it worked out so incredibly well that I was impressed. It has a good balance of humor and Action albeit sacreligous but never really disrespectful to any religion. It has rather good punk music as the sound track. 
This movie is simply what the title says Jesus Christ Kicking Vampire Ass because sometimes The son of man has to be a vengeful god. and on top of things it was filmed in canada and Jesus Rides a scooter. It cant be any cooler than that. If you dont have a problem with Jesus being a bad ass and not being the weener the new testament portrays him to be watch this movie, It will make you laugh if you have a sense of humor. Its hard to say a lot about this movie with out giving a lot of plot elements away. Just find a video store that has it ... which is prolly next to impossible and watch it. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Father and Son connection An Addendum Gojira

I was talking with my father (the coolest guy I know and his prowess rivals that of Chuck Norris) and he shed some light as to the origins of Godzilla Here is the link its just kind of interesting tell me what you think

How the West Lost or How Hollywood Destroyed Something beautiful

I couldnt sleep last night so i did what any person of my disposition would do watch a movies untill they passed out so you get a Twofer today. I started off with a movie of grandiose proportions and very Lovecraftian where such a society doesn't exist the movie was Gojira not Godillza the original no Raymond Burr no english dubbing the original edit. I found this film to be much darker than its American counterpart. This film begins differently in its orginal vision with serveral ships being sunk by Godzilla a creature awakened by atomic explosions and sent from the depths of the sea. Then the real meat and potatos of the movie begins when Godzilla shows up on Ota Island and begins to wreak destruction on Tokyo. It has a moral issue to either destroy the beast or to find out why Godzilla even exists. Eventually destruction of Godzilla is decided much to the chagrin of Dr. Yamane who wanted to study the force of nature. It also has a sub plot of two people in love and trying to survive the catastrophe. If you are looking for light hearted godzilla this isn't one of them . It is bound togather by a chilling sound track and excellent cinematography. For being made in 1954 the scenes with Godzilla are amazing and much care was taken in the creation of models that were used while Godzilla is destroying japan and the like. I was extremely impressed with the film it really is a must see for every one.

After watching Gojira the original cut I decided to compare and contrast it with the American Cut of the film titled Godzilla King of the Monsters. This version of the film is much much weaker and less dark than Gojira. While watching it I realized the addition of the american character Steve Martin played by Raymond Burr really seemed to cheapen the film and brought a certian hokeyness to the film. I understand that it was to bring Godzilla to a market that didn't want a dark horror movie but the american horror market at the time was flooded with movies starring Bela Lagousi and Boris Karloff which was always a Happy endings. This version also seems much like a Readers Digest condensed version and Dumbed down Godzilla seems almost oafish in this version. Needless to say the original Gojira is truely King of the Monsters.

Monday, August 25, 2008

American Pop

Sorry It has been a while but I have come back with a movie review.... the Ralph Bakshi classic American Pop. I know its nothing like the rest of the movies I have previously reviewed nothing remotely spooky or scary nothing really supernatural to it. I love this movie though. Its a story about a family that each generation is bound by only one thing their love for music its like The Jazz Singer meets Godfather meets On the road. The music spans the whole 20th century up until the late 70s maybe early 80s. The movie was done in rotoscope so it is animation over actors an art that really died with the advent of cgi animation and has a very distinctive look that many of Ralph Bakshis Movies have. Its use of music evokes emotions in the right time and is never ill fitting or out of place with in the film. It is also a story of self destruction but also hope. If you enjoy music or Ralph Bakshi watch this film.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The X Files

I have been looking foreward to seeing the new X-Files movie so today I woke up early and watched the movie that came out in 1998. It is a continuation of the 5th season finale and ties up some loose ends in the events that happen in it and makes some new unaswered questions for the next season of the show. However as a stand alone film it is excellent but leaves out lots of things that you dont see if you arent a fan of the show. It is about a space alien conspiracy to colonize earth through a virus delivered by a bee sting. The movie is pretty much a 2 hour long version of an episode with out commercial breaks and delivers action just as well as the show does even better because of the higher special effects budget. If you didnt like the X-files tv show you probably not really be into the movie but its pretty good stand alone if you like action films. 

Monday, June 23, 2008

The Diary of the Dead

Diary of the Dead

Well I tried a zillion times to make my web cam work but it was being dumb so we are getting just an old fashioned blog. Diary of the Dead is mind blowing... but this is pretty much a given since its a George A. Romero film and its a zombie movie. All the best movies have zombies in it in case you didn't know. The Diary of the dead is a movie revolving around a film student, his friend, girl friend and professor. It delves into what would you do if you were put in a desperate situation... Would you kill if you had to... Could you steal if you had to... Plus it looks into race issues. If you dont mind gore and dont like zombie movies it is a must watch just for that. The music and cinematography in this movie are great as well. It has an amazing makeup ... the organs look like real organs when they spill out of a body. Plus the majority of the movie has that tenuos claustrophobic feel to it over all its a feel good movie for zombie lovers.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Locker

I woke up early this morning almost too early. I thought to my self I always wanted to do a movie blog so here I am with my first peice of Asian horror.... Shibuya Kaidan.

It is a film based on a Japanese urban legend about a baby that was stuffed into a coin locker in Shibuya left to die and comes back as a ghost that wants revenge. Now this seems to me as awesome premise for a movie but it fails miserably in its execution. It is about four college student that gain the ire of the ghost by using the locker that it was stuffed into I just don't see connection that the ghost wants to kill these kids by using a locker. It seems to me if I was the ghost I would go after my uncaring parents or the people that could hear my crying. I don't know about you but if I am going to go for revenge I would go for the people that screwed my infantile life up. It some how follow these college students around killing them off one at a time much like what happens in the grudge but you don't even get to see the ghost through the majority of the movie. However this movie does have some good points and some unintentionally funny spots too I really cant talk about these with out having to give away a couple of important plot developments. Over all I would say this movie is mediocre at best. I would give it a 6 out of a possible 10.